Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's Finally Here. . .& a Contest to Celebrate!

I am thrilled to announce the official launch of my new (and improved) website! Check it out by clicking here. It's 99% how I want it except for an updated picture of me. . which I need desperately. To celebrate the launch of my new website - I am running a little contest. The winner will receive their choice of the following:

Free Mini Photography Session
A $50 Gift Certificate which can be used towards a future photography session, prints or specialty items.

So you want to play??? Here's how. . .
Step 1: Go to the new and improved Now and Forever Photography website.
2: Check out the site and then click "contact"
3. Fill out the required information (i.e. your name, email address, phone number, etc.)
4. Then guess a number between 1 and 100. Type your guess in the text message field. Click Send. (Comments on the new site are also appreciated - good or bad - I'd really like to know what you think!).
5. Tomorrow at 6pm EST the lucky number will be generated by the Random.Org true random number generator. The closest guess to the lucky number wins!

Tomorrow evening I will notify the lucky winner by email and also post their name on my blog!!

Good luck!!

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