Saturday, January 3, 2009

Our Trip to Cincinnatti

We are back! We have returned from our trip from Ohio and survived the holidays. Charlie had a great time in Ohio visiting Ben and Blake. He loved the airplane and was such a good little traveler. We spent a lot of time taking pictures of the three kids - so I thought I'd post a few of my favorites. Here they are. . . Enjoy!

Little Blake and the Tractor - John Deer Advertisement?
Love this bench - it's in the middle of an open field near a barn. We spent a lot of time taking pictures here.
My little Charlie - climbing around on a riding lawnmower. I hardly ever get a smiling picture from him these days! Love it!Blake in her tutu - How cute is the outfit. I wish I could have brought this wagon home with me. All the pictures taken here were gorgeous.

Blake feeding Ben a snack of Hay.

3 cute little buns.

Classic shot of Ben and the Horse.
We were trying out a chair shot in open field - I've seen this done on other blogs. Not bad for the first try. Love the Tobacco advertisement in the background. Treat yourself to the best! :-)

Ben and Blake - How cute are they?
The Sakach Family
The 3 kids at Miami - Our Alma Matter.
Blake was wearing a Matilda Jane dress which makes me want a little girl so badly. The clothes are so cute. I think this picture could pass for 50 years ago.
Can you say "Grumpy Old Men"?

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